Lonely Peleg Lectures
Diary of a nomad. One decade, one hundred and fifteen countries.
Everyone asks me: What I am running from? “I am not running away, I am searching.”
I decided to live my life differently. I do not have a house, a regular job, a car or a university degree. I got my education on the road and my inspiration from the people I meet along the way.
Today Lonely Peleg is the largest travel blog in Israel with over 28,000 followers on Facebook.
I almost lost my life more than once. In Sri Lanka I caught a bad case of dengue fever While traveling through West Africa I contracted, at the same time, a combination of malaria and typhoid. I have lived in the poorest neighborhoods of Africa and in the largest slum in the Philippines.
I crossed Siberia in the third class of the Trans-Siberian railway. I have climbed volcanoes and traversed deserts. I hitchhiked through Africa and lived with nomadic tribes in Mongolia.
I have volunteered with refugees during the war in the Ukraine. I built a school in Cameroon. I helped the kids of ‘Smokey mountain’, the largest slum in the Philippines. I establish a project at an orphanage in Bishkek , Kyrgyzstan and now I’m living in a “Favela” in Rio building a “Organic Garden Social Center and a Playground for Favela children’s.
Many people ask me way I do all of this? how it’s possible to travel the world with almost no money ? Where do I sleep at night? What possessions do I carry with me?
Before I answer these questions, there are some things we need to understand.
What is home?
What is freedom?
What is happiness and how can we find it?
What traveling has taught me?
What will we regret when we become old?
Why are we so afraid of new things?
Why is it so important to do what we love?
Way it’s so important to volunteer and share with others !
Hear my perspective on all of these questions, as I share what I’ve learned through stories, pictures and videos from my last 11 years on the road.
I’m inviting you to a lecture that will make you think outside the box!
For more information – 00972 546 390501